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Table 4 Hazard rate model of returning to work with four types of workplace accommodations and of ending employment after returning to work

From: Worker adaptation and workplace accommodations after the onset of an illness


Returning to work with:


Current employer, accommodated

Current employer, not accommodated

New employer

Employment duration

Female (yes = 1)

-0.061 (0.217)

-0.035 (0.210)

0.138 (0.278)

- - -d)

45-55 years (yes = 1)

-0.624 (0.267)**

-0.307 (0.245)

-0.710 (0.297)**

-0.113 (0.280)

Older than 55 years (yes = 1)

-0.564 (0.327)*

-0.149 (0.312)

-2.311 (0.689)***

-0786 (0.342)**

Living with spouse (yes = 1)

0.453 (0.236)*

0.660 (0.245)***

0.079 (0.269)

- - -d)

Secondary education (yes = 1)

0.641 (0.255)**

0.328 (0.224)

0.372 (0.287)

- - -d)

Postsecondary education (yes = 1)

1.273 (0.355)***

0.889 (0.291)***

1.065 (0.343)***

- - -d)

Visits to GP before sick leavea)

-0.166 (0.135)

-0.106 (0.127)

0.054 (0.166)

-0.100 (0.146)

Mental illness (yes = 1)

-0.505 (0.225)**

-0.423 (0.216)**

0.687 (0.264)***

- - -d)

Pain intensity (1–10)

- - -

- - -

- - -

0.092 (0.040)**

Employment experience

- - -

- - -

- - -

-0.030 (0.013)**

Seniority in monthsb)

0.225 (0.083)***

0.163 (0.081)**

-0.370 (0.145)**

- - -d)

Company sizeb)

0.009 (0.019)

0.010 (0.018)

-0.240 (0.098)**

- - -d)

Public sector company (yes = 1)

0.217 (0.218)

0.317 (0.217)

-0.391 (0.275)

-0.329 (0.210)

New employer (yes = 1)

- - -

- - -

- - -

0.573 (0.251)**

Reduced working hours (yes = 1)

- - -

- - -

- - -

-0.476 (0.314)

New job (yes = 1)

- - -

- - -

- - -

0.021 (0.424)

Light duties (yes = 1)

- - -

- - -

- - -

-0.273 (0.463)

Other adaptations (yes = 1)

- - -

- - -

- - -

-0.471 (0.481)

Baseline, period 2c)

-0.403 (0.214)*

-0.172 (0.212)

0.356 (0.304)

-0.086 (0.206)

Baseline, period 3c)

-0.931 (0.362)***

-0.837 (0.268)***

0.988 (0.439)**

- - -

Baseline, period 4c)

-1.387 (0.623)**

-1.322 (0.496)***

1.718 (0.590)***

- - -


-4.322 (1.012)***

-4.375 (0.896)***

-5.206 (0.640)***

-3.720 (0.498)***

Random effects

2.343 (0.946)**

2.324 (0.809)***

2.974 (0.596)***

0.046 (0.441)

Fraction with random effect





  1. Note: N = 779 The hazard rate models are estimated simultaneously. See Table 2 for more information about the variables. S.E. between brackets. Significance levels: ***1%, **5%, *10%. All equations include a dummy variable (not shown) that equal 1 when information about company size (56 persons) is missing. The return-to-work equations also include a dummy variables (not shown) that equal 1 when information about seniority (32 persons) is missing. a): Multiplied with 100. b): Multiplied with 10. c): Baseline hazard periods, accommodated work: period 1: 3 months, period 2: 4–5 months, period 3: 6–8 months, period 4: >9 months. d): The variable was excluded from the model because it was highly insignificant. Baseline hazard periods, non-accommodated work: period 1: 3 months, period 2: 4 months, period 3: 5–7 months, period 4: >8 months. Baseline hazard periods, new employer: period 1: 3–5 months, period 2: 6–9 months, period 3: 10–14 months, period 4: >15 months. Baseline hazard periods, employment duration: period 1: 1–7 months, period 2: >8 months.