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Table 3 Effect of leaving school in an economic downturn on access to employer-sponsored health insurance: OLS model

From: Does leaving school in an economic downturn impact access to employer-sponsored health insurance?




Sample proportion



School-leaving state unemployment rate

-0.0130*** (0.0042)

0.0051 (0.0052)

Interaction with time since school-leaving

0.0006*** (0.0002)

0.0001 (0.0001)

Marginal effect estimated at the mean years since school-leaving

-0.0041** (0.0020)

0.0065*** (0.0020)




  1. Notes: NLSY79 sample weights applied. All models estimated with a linear probability model and adjust for personal characteristics, and school-leaving state and year fixed effects. Standard errors are clustered around the school-leaving state and are reported in parentheses. The mean number of years since school-leaving is 14.0 among men and 14.4 among women. The standard error on the marginal effect estimated at the mean years since school-leaving is calculated with a parametric bootstrap using 1,000 repetitions.
  2. ***; **; * = Statistically significant at the 1%; 5%; 10% level.