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Table 7 Effect of leaving school in an economic downturn on access to employer-sponsored health insurance: IV model

From: Does leaving school in an economic downturn impact access to employer-sponsored health insurance?




Sample proportion



School-leaving state unemployment rate

-0.0165*** (0.0061)

0.0059 (0.0070)

Interaction with time since school- leaving

0.0009*** (0.0002)

0.0000 (0.0002)

Marginal effect estimated at the mean years since school-leaving

-0.0045* (0.0025)

0.0066** (0.0027)




  1. Notes: All models estimated with two stage least squares and apply NLSY79 sample weights. Regressions adjust for personal characteristics, state of residence at age 14 fixed effects, and on time year fixed effects. Standard errors are clustered by state of residence at age 14 and are reported in parentheses. The mean number of years since school-leaving is 14.0 among men and 14.4 among women. The standard error on the marginal effect at the mean years since school-leaving is calculated with a parametric bootstrap using 1,000 repetitions.
  2. ***; **; * = Statistically significant at the 1%; 5%; 10% level.