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Table 4 The effects of the minimum wage on teen (16–19) employment, CPS data at state-by-quarter level, 1990 – 2011:Q2

From: More on recent evidence on the effects of minimum wages in the United States


Dependent variable: Log (employment/population)


State and quarter fixed effects

+ state-specific linear trends and division-quarter dummies

+ state-specific linear trends only





A. Full sample, original specification (N = 4,386)


-.165*** (.041)

.009 (.058)

-.074 (.078)

B. Include state- and spell-specific recession dummy variables


-.169*** (.042)

.013 (.061)

-.065 (.080)

C. Leave out recessions (N = 3,672)


-.166*** (.041)

.026 (.061)

-.060 (.074)

D. Leave out 1990–1993, 1998–2011 (N = 2,754)


-.148** (.060)

-.229** (.095)

  1. Notes: Estimates are weighted by teen population. The specifications include the state unemployment rate for adults and the relative size of youth population as controls. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. *Statistically significant at the .10 level; ** at the .05 level; *** at the .01 level.